Thank you so much for your interest in being involved in SIPPA's Mentorship Program!

SIPPA (otherwise referred to as the Students of IPPA Division) is the student-focused Division of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA). 
  • This Division aims to create a community for likeminded students passionate about positive psychology from around the world by facilitating networking, collaboration, mentorship, and delivery of educational opportunities and professional development programs.

We are thrilled to be able to facilitate connections between academics and professionals in the area of positive psychology from around the world. 

Below, the eligibility criteria for the mentorship program are outlined, as well as the expectations for being both a mentor and a mentee. 

  • Be a member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)
  • Interest in participating in SIPPA's mentorship program 
  • Ability to meet quarterly (at minimum)

About the Program: 
Mentor-Mentee Pairing Options:

1) Undergraduate to Graduate Mentorship:

Pairs undergraduate students with graduate students who can provide guidance on coursework, research opportunities, and preparing for graduate school in positive psychology.

2) Graduate to Faculty/Professional Mentorship:
Pairs graduate students with faculty members or career professionals for more advanced mentorship, including career advice, research guidance, and professional networking. 

Program Timeline Application Period: Applications open at the beginning of each semester. Applicants (mentors and mentees) complete the present form detailing their goals and interests.

Matching Process: Program coordinator(s) will review applications and pair students based on shared interests and goals in positive psychology.

Program Expectations
Commitment Period: A year-long commitment where mentors and mentees meet bi-monthly, with optional monthly group workshops. At minimum, quarterly mentor-mentee meetings are required. 
I have read the eligibility criteria and expectations for SIPPA's mentorship program, and I would like to participate in this program.